Brewday: 04/09/2018
OG: 1.042
Yeast Pitched: 05/09/2018
16/09/2018 - Racked to secondary, still at room temp, 1.008.
ABV: 4.5%
72% Efficiency!
Bottled: 16/09/2018
This started the lager project off on a high, literally, as I followed the water calculations to the dot and ended up with a record efficiency (one I haven't even came close to yet). Due to poor planning, the wort had to be left to cool overnight, and the yeast pitched in the morning. The addition of Vienna means the lager is a nice golden colour, a touch darker than planned as I was wanting something fairly light here, but I can see this shaping up to be a very presentable beer once cold crashed.
TASTING: Fantastic beer, colour is great, flavour, clarity etc, all bang on. However it seems that too much yeast dropped out during the cold crash, therefore the bottles have only just carbonated which really lets down the beer. In future, don't cold crash until they're carbed.