the experiment worked! smells and tastes like pb&j. the peanut butter is overshadowed by the fruit. next time possibly use less fruit or try to incorporate the pb for more flavor (longer? stir occasionally? or more powder?) i like the general body and sweetness and roast balance to the beer so maybe the "less fruit" option should be last resort.
i ended up adding about 24 ounces of pb2. one big jar and one little jar. add it to secondary bucket and racked about a gallon onto it. mix the mixture thoroughly before racking the rest. sat for 3 days (was in a rush to package before christmas trip)
updating this to add lactose and adjust efficiency and base malt to land at 8%. will try to split batch this and do half peanut butter and cocoa nibs, half peanut butter and strawberry. inspired by witch's brew by @mojosbrewingco. He's saying 2lb pb / 5 gallons powder in secondary.