-Water Chemistry figures were suggested by a profile BF offers for a light and hoppy beer, and produced by inputting the mineral figures on the bottle plus 1 TBS epsom salt and 2 TBS Gypsum.
- Mistake. I forgot to put in half of the pale malt and had a temp of 69-70 and watery mash for 15-20 minutes as I waited for it to cool. I then saw mistake, added rest of malt and had mash temperature of 64. Mashed for 60 min from there. GOOD NEWS. At end of mash, temp was 64-65c, so seems okay.
- 60 percent bright tablet
- Mistake. Sparge water was only 65c, so without thinking I dumped 1.5 litres hot TAP water into sparge, so no longer 1--% spring water.
- Preboil gravity 1045. Start vol is 37 ltrs. Need to boil of 4 litres to have 33 litres and target OG of 1050.
- Hopstand- didn't bother cooling, just wanted a few minutes, chucked hops in, stirred and left for 30 minutes with no further stiring.
- OG 1050, 67% efficiency.
- Poured wert through large mashing bag and into fermentor to catch trub and this worked well.
- bottled on day 6. 145 gr sugar for 25.5 litres at 16c to produce 2.4 co2
- fg 1011. 5.1 abv. Hoppy . bitter and the residual sweetness I have been looking for. very promising at tasting. Good clarity as well. Liberty bell rocks.