Mash grains for 45-60 mins then pour hot water over BIAB to sparge off excess sugar.
Mash temp 158f. Higher levels give a less fermentable wort and a more full-bodied beer.
Roast Cocoa nibs at 300 for 10-15 minutes.
Add cocoa nibs, dark bakers chocolate and first addition of coffee at flameout. You can skip this coffee addition for a more balanced or less coffee flavored beer. Then maybe only do .5oz coarse ground coffee in secondary.
Filter off hops, coffee, cocoa into fermenter.
After ferment rack onto coarse ground coffee for 7 days. Coffee can be soaked overnight in vodka.
Coffee Must be coarse!
I boil about 1/4 gallon every 15 mins in a 4 gallon (16 quart) kettle so it took me an hour to boil off 1 gallon. I adjusted recipe to start with 2 gallons.
Head Retention: It's possible oils from the cocoa or coffee beans can reduce head retention. Choose dry beans. Or soaking them in vodka can help.