Mash and boil as usual here, maybe making an addition of chloride to your mash water if your sulfates are particularly high; you want a definite advantage for the chlorides in this style to limit the sharpness of the bittering. The short version is if you have particularly hard water, consider diluting with distilled/RO water and adjusting from there (or letting it ride in its “cut” form with no further adjustment).
In fermentation, go a little warmer than you ordinarily would—I like 55°F (13°C). It will produce a bit more fermentation character in the form of a lick of diacetyl and a bit of sulfur, but both will “work” with your malts and hops and will also trip lots of sense memory triggers for “lager” in your brain! Give this a solid two weeks to finish up primary fermentation, then give it another week just to be sure. Crash, carbonate to 2–2.5 volumes, and you’re good to go.