prep day: Friday August 18
grind grains at 0.050 inches
measure water treatment - 5 tsp (15 g) gypsum for mash
measure hops - add 1 tsp Irish moss and 2 tsp yeast nutrient to last hop bag
measure starter ingredients - 5 oz DME, 1/4 tsp yeast nutrient, a few hop pellets
brew day: Saturday, August 19
pre-heat the mash tun with 170 degree water
heat 5 gallons mash water to 162 degrees, transfer 5 gallons to mash tun, add gypsum
mash for 60 minutes
pre-boil gravity 1.045
original gravity 1.053
(my target O.G. was 1.062, based on 73% efficiency; I must have rushed the sparge too much. Five gallons to mash 12.5 pounds of grain seems an odd choice, as I typically use a thicker mash to emulate British brewing practices from the 19th century.)
final hop addition: 1 oz. EKG, 2 tsp. yeast nutrient, 1 tsp. Irish moss
pitch at 78°F and added three frozen water bottles to the brew bag
racking day: Friday August 25
bottling day: Saturday, September 2
yield: 54 bottles
F.G. 1.011
5.5% ABV