IPA 2.0 recipe: WHEAT IPA
Sumpin' Like Little
Sumpin' Sumpin ' (Wheat
(5 gallons/ 19 L, all-
OG =1.073 FG =1.018
IBU=63 SRM=8 ABV = 7.1%
10.0 lb. (4.5 kg) 2-row pale malt
4.0 lbs. (1.8 kg) wheat malt
1.0 lb. (0.45 kg) flaked wheat
2.0 oz. (56 g) Victory® malt
2 whir/floc tablets (or 2 tsp. Irish moss)
9.8 AAU Nugget hops (90 mins) (0.75 oz./21 gat 13% alpha acids)
3 AAU Crystal hops (15 mins) (1.0 oz./28 g at 3% alpha acids)
8 AAU Cascade hops (15 mins) (1.0 oz./28 g of 8% alpha acids)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Chinook hops (2 mins)
1.0 oz. (28 g) AmarilloTM hops (2 mins)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Cascade hops (dry hops)
6.0 oz. (170 g) corn sugar (for priming)
White Labs WLP090 (San Diego Super) yeast (2.5 qt./2.5 L yeast starter)
Step by Step
Adjust water chemistry for a
pale beer. (If using RO or dis- tilled water, add Y. tsp. calcium chloride and % tsp. gypsum for every 6 gallons/23 L.) Mash grains at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Boil wort for 90 minutes, adding hops at times indicated. Add whir/floc for final 15 minutes of the boil.
Ferment at 67 °F (19 °C). Dry hop for 4 to 7 days.
Changed the grain based on this table: http://kotmf.com/articles/maltnames.php
Changed the hops to substitutes that my local dealer have.