Yeast: Vermont Ale Yeast (2 Vials) ; purchased from Yeast Bay $8.50 per vial + $8.50 shipping ($25.50 total)
Mash at 155F for 40 minutes. Sparge enough to collect roughly 7.5 gallons in your kettle to achieve 6.5 gallons at knockout. Boil for 75 minutes, adding 1.5 oz. Simcoe @ 30 min. After knockout add 1 oz. each Cascade, Apollo, and Simcoe. Whirlpool with pump or by stirring for a minute and letting it spin down and settle. After 30 minutes, reduce wort temperature to 170F and add 1 oz. each Centennial, Simcoe, and Columbus. Whirlpool again. After 15 more minutes begin final cooling process. The goal is to get 5.5 gallons into the fermenter to account for loss of wort during dry hopping.
Pitch healthy dose of yeast @ 65F. After FG has been achieved add a clarifying agent such as polycar. Allow 3 days for clarifying agent to work, then add first set of dry hops to primary fermenter. After 7 days rack beer off dry hops & yeast cake either into a keg or secondary vessel. Try to purge with CO2 if possible. Add second round of dry hops and wait 5 days. Bottle or begin carbonation process.