Bring 27 litres of water to 65C and add steeping grain loosely bagged in muslin or equivalent.
Maintain temperature for 30 minutes, then remove grains.
Bring to roiling boil, stirring in fermentables.
Once at rolling boil, add Tettnanger hops and set countdown for 60 minutes.
Maintain temperature and rolling boil.
15 minutes from the end, add protoflec.
10 minutes from the end add the Coriander seeds, which should be lightly crushed (rolling over with a rolling pin, or pressing with the back of a spoon should be enough).
At the end of 60 minutes turn off the heat, and add the Hallertau hops.
Cool rapidly to less than 23C and add the yeast.
Allow 8-9 days for primary fermentation before priming and bottling.