I am brewing this beer for a local Homebrew Competition.
Our local Brewery gives participants 5 gallons of their base wort. Brewers build off this wort however they choose..
The 10 lbs of 2-Row represents the provided wort.
The rest of the recipe is based of of BYO's Shiner Bock clone.
I changed some of the amounts to create 6 gallons of finished beer in the style of a doppelbock.
I am going to split the batch in two, and ferment half with Imperial "Global" Lager Yeast... and half with Imperial "Loki" Kviek Yeast.
I will likely enter the Kviek into the competition, because I don't expect the lager to be ready in time.
I am also interested to see how the two batches compare to one another.
Side note: both Imperial Yeast strains are coming from home harvested yeast.. I have Fermentis dry yeast on standby in-case the harvested yeast is inactive.