October 30, 2015
-1.061 (15 Brix)
-Yeast: 20g S-04 (rehydrated in 250ml water) at 1AM at approx 62F (17C)
-Fermenter set at 60F (15C)
-A combination of better-than-usual efficiency and more boil-off than expected lead to a substantial jump in SG. I considered adding water to bring it to 5.25 gallons, but decided against it. 1.061 isn't bad for the style.
-Visible signs of fermentation and airlock activity within 6 hours.
-Small krausen developing at 16+ hours. Very steady airlock activity. Airlock smells of whole grain bread and dark fruit (dark cherries, plums).
-Full krausen, extremely vigorous fermentation at 36 hours. Airlock still smells of dark fruit and bread, but spicy hop aromas are more evident than before.
-Airlock activity slowing down, krausen beginning to fall at approx 54 hours. Temp has been constant between 59-61F.
-November 2: Krausen fallen before 72 hour mark. Airlock still active, but minimal. Temp raised to approx 64F (17.6C) to encourage yeast to finish up before dropping out.
November 5: Temp raised to 68-70 (approx 20.8C) to encourage full attenuation and diacetyl rest. Increased airlock activity a few hours after temp increase.
November 8: Reduced temp to approx 64F (18C) after diacetyl rest. Airlock activity is minimal, but still around 3 bubbles/min. Krausen has long since fallen, but beer has not yet dropped fully clear.
November 14: F.G. 1.016 - 5.89% alcohol. Crystal clear. Smells and tastes great. Plenty of body, with just enough bitterness to balance it out at the finish. Spicy Fuggle hop character. Very little, if any, S-04 "bubblegum" character - although the beer does have a pleasant, stone fruit-like, English character. Solid malt backbone although it is distinctly less bready, and overall less complex, than WY1968. Will allow to sit in primary for another week or so before adding gelatin and bottling.
-November 24: Bottled 4 gallons with 2oz. table sugar for approx 2 volumes of carbonation. Beer tastes good. Nice body, balancing bitternes - but with a distinct 'candy' character that I can only think is a product of S-04 or green beer character. Hoping it fades with time and bottle conditioning. Crystal clear. As aforementioned, much less complex and bready than WY1968.
December 17: I tasted one of these today only to find that the beautiful malt and hop flavor is masked by my most-dreaded of all off-flavors: plasticy phenols. It's not undrinkable, however, and I will wait it out and hope that it dissipates (or perhaps it was only that one bottle?) but needless to say I'm disappointed with this beer. Did I stress the yeast somehow? Regardless, and even though it may not be an issue with the yeast, I will never use Safale S-04 again. Some people love that yeast but I've never made a beer with it that I really like.
December 18: Drank another one tonight. Same thing - plasticy phenols masking malt and hop character. It's not unpleasant enough to dump, so I'll be drinking these off as quickly as possible to make room for new beer. Very frustrating.