Mill the grains and mash 157°F (69°C) for 60 minutes.
Boil for 60 minutes, adding the hops, yeast nutrient, and Whirlfloc according to the schedule.
After the boil, do a whirlpool step: Stir or recirculate to create a vortex, cooling if possible to 170°F (77°C); add the whirlpool hops and allow 30 minutes to steep and settle.
Chill to 67°F (19°C), aerate the wort, and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 68°F (20°C) until the gravity has dropped to about 1.028 (7.1°P), then ferment at 72°F (22°C) until complete.
Crash and condition for at least 7 days. Package and carbonate to about 2.6 volumes CO2.
BREWER’S NOTES. For the water, you want a medium-hard profile, so add 3 g each of CaCl, CaSo4, and NaHCO3. Our target color is 44 SRM. While lautering into the kettle, we adjust as needed to maintain a pH of 5.4. The yeast nutrient addition above is typical for homebrewers, but follow manufacturer instructions.