C5 hop is a combo of cascade centennial citra columbus and chinook.
brewed last week. forgot the salts until the boil oops. first brew on the new digimash kit. lot of power! boiled off a lot.
revamping this one again. combining with cold IPA recipe. do I need pilsner malt and carapils though?
adjusting for current setup and efficiency.
revamping recipe for a rebrew! c5 will be equal parts centennial cascade chinook columbus and citra. will use 2oz of each hop mixed together into a bowl and redistributed according to the recipe. will use a little warrior for bittering. adding a little c20 for color and body as well as carapils for head.
todo: water chemistry. yeast. could prob use rva 101 or even hothead.
Update 5/16/19
I accidentally added the wheat to another beer. Thewheat planned for this didnt make it in. Boosting up the corn sugar to 1lb to make up some abv.
update 2/12/19:
changing this for sort of a west coast double ipa spin off. the first beer was pretty good, good hop flavor and bitterness, good everyday beer. this one would be more of a west coast style hop bomb. also going for clear beer (both in appearance and body) this time so axed the oats and london yeast in leui of corn sugar and american ale yeast (may use american ale ii since i have some). will need to cold crash properly as well. also thinking of a different spin off of this in NEIPA style, should be elsewhere in the archives....
kinda made up on brew night.
C5 hop is a combo of cascade centennial citra columbus and chinook. i had more on hand of cascade and centennial so i did 1.2 centennial and 1.3 cascade , 1oz everything else for a total of 6 oz used. calculated the weighted average of the AA, hopefully that checks out.
using reused london ale yeast from a previous batch amber lamps. the yeast was never taken out of the fermentor. (taking half of the yeast to use on a barleywine im also brewing tonight)