ALL temps and times are using a Speidel Braumeister 20L RIMS brewing system.
mash in at 50 C, adjust pH to 5.5
hold at 55 C for 10 minutes
ramp to 64C to 60 minutes
ramp to 78 for 10 minutes
Cool wort to 55F and pitch 2 packs of 34/70, no rehydration.
Ferment at 55F until krausen starts to fall (80% complete target, about 6 days after pitch), ramp temp to 66F for 3 days. When gravity is reached, cool to lager temp at 45 degrees and hold for a month.
SG is 1.061, I had more like 21 liters, so I think it was a little error in the adding water post boil....probably would have been close if I added a little less water.
FG seems to be 1.014, giving us something around 6.17 percent ABV or so.
Once ew hit 1.014, I dropped the temp to 44 f for lagering.