Update 15/12/23 - I’ve brewed this recipe with Lallemand Verdant IPA yeast(not BRY-97) and the results were excellent and as good as the California live yeast in the recipe. I’ve also brewed another batch but substituted the hops for Galaxy and Amarillo and the results were fantastic. Ghost ship like but with less citrus and the addition of passionfruit aroma and fruitiness.
This brew is based on one of my favourite UK beers Adnams Ghost Ship and it gets pretty close to the real thing on draught. The Wyeast California Ale yeast works really well for this beer as it really promotes the malt and hop character of the Citra hops and gives a clean finish. Best fermented at 18°c. This yeast can produce some sulphur, so a longer secondary may be required. I think Lallemand BRY-97 would do just as well although I haven’t tried it yet. If you want more citrus in the final beer then use a greater quantity for dry hopping. My tasting notes describe the finished beer as Malty, soft in the mouth, no astringency, good hop flavour and bitterness with lots of lovely Cascade and Citra flavours and clean tasting. Best served cold and with low carbonation levels. I serve mine at 6°C and 1 to 2 PSI.
I normally only brew with whole hops as I don’t whirlpool at present, but I will use up to 50% of the hop bill as pellets depending on what stock I have, because I have a hop back to retain the debris.
My brewing kit is a Klarstein Mundschenk 30l