Sun 4 Dec 22 pm made 500ml starter of lall diamond and 34/70 slurry from July on saved wort.
Conditioned and milled grain sun night. (Atlas may be a bit old (bought 26/5), may explain efficiency drop.)
Mashed in Mon 5 Dec 6:00am. First runnings 21 brix=1.084. After sparge 30 litres @ 10.5 brix = 1.040.
To boil 8:40am, resparged another couple of litres, 32 litres @11.5 brix=1.044 pre boil.
After chilling 25 litres @12.5 Brix=1.048 @28.3C into fermenter at 11:00am, approx 0.5 litre trub, set ferm fridge to 10.C. 60sec o2. 4:30pm 18.3C.
8:30pm Mon sprinkled dry 34/70 into Diamond starter, swirled, pitched at 15.3C. Cling film sealed over top.
8am tues a few bubbles on top, 10C.
8 am Weds full krausen, 12 brix=1.044, 10C.
7:45am thurs 8 dec 11.25brix=1.040, temp to 10.5C. 8am Friday 10.5brix=1.036, upped to 11C. 9am Sat 10 Dec 10 brix=1.032.
Sun 9 brix=1.026, upped to 12C, Mon 1pm 7 brix=1.014 upped to 13C. Tues am 14C, Tues pm 15C, Weds am 16C. Fri 16 Dec pm crashed to 8C. Packaged Sunday 18 Dec 5 brix=1.002