Crush up 3lbs of rainier cherries and add to 60 min boil.
Primary Fermentation at 70 deg under pressure. Let fermentation build pressure with spunding valve set at 10psi. With CellarScience Cali Dry primary is pretty much complete after 5 days, I let it go for a total of 8 days.
Pasteurize 3 lbs of whole cherries (I freeze the cherries in a food saver bag then put them in a sous vide bath at 145 deg for a couple hours. Put pasteurized cherries into secondary and transfer (under pressure) beer. Chill secondary while still at 10psi at 34 deg for 6 days.
Specific gravity at secondary transfer should be around 1.010-1.013.
Specific gravity after secondary should be 1.022-1.026.
Creates a very crisp slightly sweet beer great for hot summer days.