Fermented for 2 weeks and 4 days in carboy, bottle conditioned for two weeks afterwards. Found that keeping it in primary fermenter for 2 weeks and 4 or 5 days usually results in a clearer beer and a more golden colour rather than a dull yellow. This could probably also be achieved by adding a Whirlfloc tablet with 15 minutes remaining in boil, but we found it seems to taste better with the extra time in primary fermentation.
Alternately could add 2nd addition of hops with 5 minutes remaining in boil to achieve a BG/GU ratio of 0.49, which does not adhere strictly to the style but still has an IBU within the style's range.
Have tried several iterations, including one with Lutra Kveik instead of Wyeast-1098. Found that the Lutra resulted in a lemon aftertaste, a bit sour. Also tried White Labs WLP-002 English Ale Yeast, though this seems to produce a taste that is less enjoyable than Wyeast-1098. May try other British Ale yeasts, but Wyeast-1098 seems to produce the best taste discovered so far.