First basic stout recipie, doing extract and steeping, no mini mash. Add coffee or change it up in later brews.
By intention, chocolate malt is down a bit, see how that goes then invert future recipes.
Not sure on English or London ale yeast strains...
Thought of using amber malt extract but suspect that will make it a bit less dry and add to a sweater malt profile, this is more focusing on the steeped grains.
Some stouts are fermented warmer and colder mashed, seems odd. Havent decided on changing water chemistry. May do so to change malt / hop balance only (not doing this as malty balance to start). May add some bicarb soda to steeping to try and manage pH - not doing that but will measure pH.
Brew. Taste. Style. On YouTube had an interview with George Copley (Australia). With a winning imperial stout. Good info in there. 200g each, chocolate, roasted barley, crystal 40 (ish) and carafa special 3. Used joe white products. Also used amber / Morris otter base. It was alot more bitter though.
The carafa 3 really darkens it. Going to leave it out and go higher proportions of the others for this one, as I dont want real bitter notes. Could try export stout to that recipie in future.
Brought malt from ipswitch brewing Co.
Light chocolate, 850-1050 ebc.
Roasted barley 1200-1500 ebc
Medium crystal 90-130 ebc