This is a plan to get a beer and a large starter for a Wee Heavy.
I think I was at 1.051 (Not sure if I recorded it, but I recall that I was right there.) This was my first experience with Wyeast 1728. I had an expired yeast...and it did NOTHING in 3 days at 60 degrees, So, I tipped a second, fresh pack of 1728 in. It fermented, but it took 2-3 days to get started. Let's just say 1728 isn't like, say US05, which will start within 24 hours. 1728 did ferment super clean and ended up at 1.011. I had a taste - nice, standard scottish ale, should be very drinkable in 2 weeks and about 5.25%. Since I only had like 2.25 gallons, I bottled it up and got (21) 12 oz longnecks which should be carbed up by Dec. 19th.
I tasted this on Dec 20 and it is bracingly bitter - this may fade but, note to me - Don't do the nugget next time. Use something softer, more floral, maybe Cascade or Challenger or Fuggles.
I may have overcarbonated the bottles...I had some old fizz drops I found and they had melted I weighed the blobs out to be roughly 5-6 gm each, but I think they actually should have been 4 gm - so they will be 50% more carbonation potential. Maybe I won't have little bombs.