Brewing NEIPA in General:
Nice hubs: Citra, Mosaic, Galaxy, Simcoe (minimum 150 g total)
Nice yeast: LALLEMAND VERDANT IPA, Wyeast 1318 (London Ale III) or Fermentis S-04.
NEIPA Cl-/SO4-2 ratio should be higher amount of Cl compared to the amount of SO4-2. Its OK for Cl- and SO4-2 to be quite high as long as the ratios are good.
Ca levels should be around 80-150 to ensure creamy mouthfeel.
Water profile at 'Hvinningdal vandværk' Silkeborg Denmark (pH = 8.1):
Ca+2=23 , Mg+2=1.9 , Na+=22 , Cl-=23 , SO4-2=47, HCO3-=60
After addition of (to 35 L):
4.5 g of Magnesiumsulfat (Epsom-salt)
1.0 g of NaCl (Table salt)
7.5 g of Calcium Chloride anhydrate -> 22.7g of 33% CaCl- solution.
(NOTE!!! 431.96 g CaCl- dissolved in 1 L water weighs 1308 g. 1 ml of this 33% solution thus contains 0.43 g of calcium chloride (the same as 0.43 g of calcium chloride anhydrate. As seen in below equation 3 grams of 33% CaCl- solution is almost exactly 1 gram of CaCl- anhydrate. x(ml)0.432(g) = 7.5(g), x=17.36(ml) -> 17.36(ml)1.308(g/ml) = 22.7(g)
Water profile now looks like this:
Ca+2=81.4, Mg+2=14.6 , Na+=33.2, Cl-=143.7, SO4-2=97.1, HCO3-=60
The day before:
Get Brew water
Read recipe carefully. Be sure you have everything.
Freeze ice
Adjust water 35 L.
(Mash with 33L, adjusted).
Brew day:
Yeast out of fridge.
Get overview. Read recipe carefully.
Make 1L Chemipro San in spray bottle and 3L VWP in pot.
Clean gear with VWP, then rinse with cold water.
Put all gear on plastic wrap and spray with sanitiser.
Take yeast out of fridge (also sanitise the package).
Cover with plastic wrap.
Same for cooling system (assemble so its ready).
Spray tank with sanitiser and put on lid.
(Remember contact contamination is the biggest risk).
Adjust water pH to 5.0
Warm strike water ca 33 L to 70C.
Add grains, infusion 64.5 - 66.5 for 60min.
Adjust water pH to 5.0 while mashing.
Now heat to 70 C 15 min.
Then 76 C 15 min.
Measure pH (and adjust to 5.0)
Boil 30 min.
Adjust pH to 4.8
Turn off heat.
Rehydrate yeast (in 33C preboiled tap water)
Cool to 78C.
Add hubs (stir/whirepool with hup filter).
Wait 5 min (stir/whirepool with hup filter).
Start cooling to 19C while stiring/whirepooling (should take 10-15 min).
Quickly remove all hubs.
Move beer to fermentation tank (splash for maximum oxidation for the yeast).
Pitch yeast.
Be very carefull with oxidationfrom now on!!
Start fermentation at 18-19 C.
When the yeast has topped (approximately 2-3 days) crank up the temp +1 C every day (until 22 C) to keep active healthy cells i suspension.
On day 4 of fermentation add dryhub addition and leave them in until kegging (day 12).
Ferment for 12 days total.
Kegging day:
Clean keg with VWP, then rinse with cold water.
Spray keg with sanitiser, then shake (remove as much as possible but dont rinse with water).
Add 5.5 g sugar pr liter of NEIPA into keg.
((Add 0.2g ascorbic acid (vitamine C) pr liter of NEIPA into keg)).
Purge with CO2 before kegging.
Kegg the beer to around 1 cm from top of party-kegg.
Beer should be ready in 2-3 weeks.