8C. Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
This is a new recipe (WAG). I have reclaimed English yeast to brew with next. But I don't have any Pale Ale malt. So using a combination of Bohemian Pils malt and Vienna malt... of course with lots of crystal/cara.
Also playing with "Burtonized" water this time. Using the basic water calculator and a target of 250 ppm for SO4 (per "Water" by Palmer and Kaminski. My tap water is very hard, and chemically softened. Burton upon Trent water is about the only water I can adjust to with salts, without dilution.
Starting with Amsterdam (NL) tap water. Adding 7g chalk, 9g gypsum, 6g Epsom salts, and 2g table salt.
The recipe was intended as: 5kg Bohemian Pils, 1.8 kg Vienna, 750 g CaraHell. Ended up with the above to use the ends of various buckets of malts. ie. Because that's what was on the shelf.
If I had Pale Ale malt in stock I would have used ~6.75kg Pale Ale and 750 grams of CaraHell.