an attempt on an Espresso Chocolate Oatmeal Stout.
*If you like your ales weaker Omit the 16oz dextrose.
if you cant find Maris Otter pale simple 2-row will work fine.
For a partial Mash recipe use 6 lbs DME Amber in place of Maris otter.
you can use rolled Whole oats from the store.
and NOT the instant kind either.
If you can't find Willamette hops the following will substitute nicely;
Fuggles, Tettnanger, Styrian Golding
Personal brew notes:
I added both DME Amber AND dextrose; 1lb each.
OG 1.081, FG 1.011. making the abv about 9%.
Racking to secondary it tastes of malty fruit.
(I don't get a lot of chocolate flavor yet)
I had over a gallon of sediment and trub leaving me with about 4-4.5 gallons going into secondary
(maybe i can add some pure water to make it less potent and get about 5 Gallons).
for info on how to sparge your grains visit;