This recipe is a very simple hibiscus blonde ale, using only pilsen DME. Hop schedule is loosely based off of the Centennial Blonde recipe.
2023-04-30 Brew day
Added DME, then filled pot to the 10 L line, then added 3 L of water.
I meant to add 85 g (3 oz) of hibiscus at flameout, but I only had 24 g, so I added that at 5 min. I will need to make a strong tea, and add it at bottling time.
I estimate that about 12 L made it into the fermentor. The colour was light pink and had a mild flavour (I'm not sure I tasted any hibiscus).
2023-05-15 Bottling day.
FG: 1.007
Infused 50 g of hibiscus in hot water for 1 hr, put all of that in the beer.
Added 77 g of sugar to 11 L of beer for 2.5 volumes of CO2.
Yield: 8x1 L, 2x500 mL = 9 L