Born on a lunch hour by three friends in the auto industry, Wise Brew Crew (originally named 3 Wise and using the donkey logo to infer 3 Wise “Asses”) believed brewing beer would be a great way to have the families spend more time together. Two of the three founding fathers lived on one side of town while the 3rd lived on the other side. Originally starting out as a thought quickly became a hobby. After purchasing the initial beer brewing equipment and first pre-made box of ingredients, the first batch was brewed. A Triple Chocolate Oatmeal Stout came with rave reviews. The 3 quickly became 4, then 5. More batches of beer created with more great reviews from friends and family. After some deliberation the name was changed to Wise Brew Crew (still referencing the Donkey for the “Ass” appeal). The crew has added various members, brewed several batches some solo and some as a crew. Logos & labels made, beer names chosen. The hobby has become more regular in the past years. Beer has made the bond strong between this group of various misfit beer drinkers (we even have converted a few "Macro" beer drinkers to Craft beer drinkers!).
We have brewed some amazing beers and last year peaked with our batch production of over 20+ batches for one year. We entered one competition last year with 2 styles and faired very well. We brew mostly with LME but also have one member with an ALL GRAIN set up.
We continue to fine tune our craft as best we can while also pushing the tastebud boundries!
I have done a variety of Brews.
CreamsicALE - A cream Ale with Vanilla and Orange
Burning Ewok Brown Ale
Fighting Irish Red Ale (1/2 regular and 1/2 with 2 oz Jameson whiskey)
Obi Blonde Kenobi Blonde Ale
Trailer Park Tripel - Belgium Tripel with Orange Peel
Falling Farmhouse Saison
Bobby Ray Brown Ale (closer to a Newcastle style)
Wisetoberfest - Oktoberfest ale
Blueberry Cider
Scottish Ale