Janjal Brewing Co. - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

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    Janjal Brewing Co.

    Join Date: 10/28/15
    Location: An unfree place in the world
    My Brewing:

    Homebrewer since 2015, I create all recipes from scratch and let my environment, reading and personal experiences influence the beers I come up with and brew on my 25L Tun&Pot system. Having honed my technique at Doemens in 2017, I am brewing all styles of beer without prejudice but with wonder, excitement and passion. Now I am readying myself for the step into the professional brewing world, academically and by getting as much brewing experience as possible.

    My Beers:

    All styles, though IPA, Porter and Helles are firm favourites.
    Warm climate and limited refrigeration space means Belgian Yeast is my friend, and Saisons make a regular appearance in the cellar. And that’s just great.

    Public: 26
    Brew Sessions
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    0 Brewing Contributions for "2025"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
    brewer logo Smoke&Mirrors KellerBier Kellerbier: Pale Kellerbier 11 L 5.41% 28.54
    2067 0
    brewer logo Double Wobble DIPA Double IPA 10 L 7.6% 90.67
    1903 1
    brewer logo Uerige style Session IPA Altbier 15 L 4.81% 44.6
    1705 0
    brewer logo R-uErigE AltFier Altbier 11 L 5.08% 44.68
    1700 1
    brewer logo Zee Germanic Smokey IPA Other Smoked Beer 12 L 7.59% 76.66
    1356 1
    brewer logo One Step Closer to Heaven Munich Dunkel 11 L 5.08% 26.36
    1281 0
    brewer logo Janjal Christmas Cake Ale Holiday/Winter Special Spiced Beer 13 L 7.28% 80.94
    1202 0
    brewer logo DeCCCoction DIPA Double IPA 14 L 8.04% 83.21
    1156 1
    brewer logo German Wee Heavy Wee Heavy 12 L 7.9% 19.11
    1073 0
    brewer logo Teufels-Zeug BGSA Belgian Golden Strong Ale 14 L 7.04% 33.94
    1029 0
    brewer logo Prosaic Saison Saison 11 L 7% 27.81
    1027 0
    brewer logo Janjal Qazem Saison 13 L 8.01% 33.25
    1002 1
    brewer logo Summer (S)w(h)eat ;) Weizen/Weissbier 16 L 4.81% 10.36
    994 1
    brewer logo Easy Gose It Gose 14 L 4.75% 8.14
    986 0
    brewer logo Smokey Coffee Porter Baltic Porter 16 L 8.65% 36.3
    980 0
    brewer logo Zaatar wa Wheat IPA Specialty IPA: Belgian IPA 14 L 6.5% 55.24
    934 0
    brewer logo Not quite a SESSSSION IPA American IPA 11.5 L 6.4% 56.95
    918 0
    brewer logo 80’Fils Honey Reef Scottish Export 16 L 7.51% 24.08
    903 0
    brewer logo Hell Is Reef German Helles Exportbier 16 L 5.5% 25.55
    870 0
    brewer logo Mosaic Pale Ale American Pale Ale 13 L 5.19% 43.24
    845 0
    brewer logo Stout Reef Oatmeal Stout 15 L 5.21% 25.32
    744 0
    brewer logo Triple-S Hop Monster American IPA 15 L 6.6% 44.58
    644 0
    brewer logo Janjal Bretty PlumSaison Saison 23 L 6.5% 30
    483 1
    brewer logo Janjal ESB Junior Strong Bitter 22 L 5% 32.06
    445 0
    brewer logo 5o dMayo Stout Foreign Extra Stout 20 L 7% 40
    401 1
    brewer logo Winter Wärmer ESB Strong Bitter 16 L 6.25% 38.75
    303 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type