rrenaud - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 08/14/15
    Public: 69
    Brew Sessions
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    0 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      Apricot/Mango kettle sour Saison Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 3 gal 7.52% 11.89
    4342 0
      Rare Barrel Flanders Red Flanders Red Ale 7.5 gal 5.74% 3.62
    3790 0
      Orangey Citrus White IPA with Kveik yeast American IPA 5 gal 5.75% 42.81
    3241 0
      Cascade Chinook Columbus Celebration American IPA 6 gal 7.16% 92.7
    2607 1
      MMMM... Mango Mosaic Milkshake Micro IPA American IPA 4.5 gal 3.22% 37.37
    2482 1
      Mango Peach Milkshake Micro IPA American IPA 8 gal 3.05% 34.01
    2421 1
      Flanders Red Mad Fermentationist/American Sour Beers Flanders Red Ale 5 gal 6.78% 4.37
    2099 0
      Simple Starter Lambic - Mad Fermentationist/American Sour Beers Lambic 5 gal 6.62% 3.94
    2032 1
      Big Oud Bruin Oud Bruin 7.5 gal 8.63% 9.55
    1947 0
      Nelson dry hopped kettle sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 5 gal 4.88% 9.66
    1943 0
      Simple Starter Lambic #2 - Mad Fermentationist/American Sour Beers Lambic 7 gal 6.96% 4.19
    1918 0
      Alex B's Flanders Red Flanders Red Ale 7.5 gal 6.86% 7.24
    1834 0
      Leftover Grains Kettle Sour with Cherries and Nelson Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 3.3 gal 4.92% 13.13
    1819 0
      Tripel the Funk - Mad Fermentationist/American Sour Beers Belgian Tripel 5 gal 10.06% 24.26
    1817 1
      2 row hefeweizen Weissbier 5.75 gal 6.53% 9.13
    1805 0
      Big Funkin Monster Oud Bruin 7 gal 11.64% 30.84
    1771 0
      RobCon Exponential Cascade American Pale Ale 3 gal 4.77% 33.12
    1554 0
      MT Fraxos clone American IPA 5 gal 7.12% 48.82
    1428 0
      Uber dry stupid dry 2-Row Saison Saison 3 gal 7.71% 16.73
    1348 0
      Flaked Wheat showcase American Pale Ale 2 gal 5.12% 35.39
    1285 0
      Leftover Grains Overnight Tripel Belgian Tripel 3 gal 9% 31.89
    1246 0
      Brett Abbey Rye Trappist Single 7.5 gal 8.42% 11.11
    1212 0
      Lil Fresh Sumpin Hop Juice American IPA 3 gal 6.15% 76.94
    1168 0
      Amber Sour Wheat Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 5 gal 6.34% 3.77
    1144 0
      Brett Dubbel Belgian Dubbel 7.5 gal 9.44% 20.57
    1049 0
      Homage to the Fallen BPA 2 Belgian Pale Ale 6.8 gal 7.11% 18.29
    1039 0
      Citra on sale, double dry hopped IPA American IPA 6 gal 8.21% 66.44
    1037 0
      Two Row and Rye Sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 5 gal 5.66% 12.43
    1032 0
      Partial Mash Flanders Red Flanders Red Ale 30 gal 4.62% 5.22
    1024 0
      Alex B's Flanders Red 2 Flanders Red Ale 5 gal 5.62% 6.4
    1021 0
      All wheat sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 7.6 gal 5.12% 4.21
    1012 0
      drheld Melange Sour Saison #2 Saison 7.5 gal 8.41% 6.39
    1010 0
      Brewer Too Damn High American Amber Ale 3 gal 6.85% 125.78
    1007 1
      Jester King Flanders Red Flanders Red Ale 7.5 gal 7.36% 5.6
    1001 0
      Brett Dry Rye Saison 5 gal 6.9% 30.22
    980 0
      Light Plambic Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 7.5 gal 4.14% 1.67
    944 0
      Pils Saaz Single Trappist Single 3.5 gal 5.49% 17.7
    934 0
      1 minute boil Conan Centennial Hop Juice American IPA 3.8 gal 5.33% 51.25
    920 0
      VS Rye Saison Saison 5 gal 6.99% 19.69
    916 0
      Tentative BPA Belgian Pale Ale 3 gal 4.52% 22.75
    908 0
      50/50 OYL Berliner Berliner Weisse 7.5 gal 4.14% 0
    876 0
      Lil Fresh Sumpin Hop Juice 2 American IPA 4.7 gal 5.04% 56.67
    859 0
      Chocolate Malt Oud Bruin Oud Bruin 11 gal 7.98% 11.35
    817 0
      Adam's so wit Witbier 3.3 gal 4.54% 11.23
    768 0
      Oaty sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 15 gal 5.05% 14.85
    751 0
      All wheat lacto sour Experimental Beer 7.5 gal 4.97% 0
    736 0
      Overnight Mash Blender Cherry Wit Witbier 5 gal 4.7% 13.59
    733 0
      Bub wit beer Witbier 5 gal 4.8% 9.01
    732 0
      F yeah mosaic American IPA 6 gal 7.02% 81.73
    732 0
      Simtennial IPA American IPA 3 gal 6.51% 28.98
    722 0
      AdamCon Exponential Mosaic American Pale Ale 2.9 gal 7.07% 31.94
    701 0
      Belgian oats/rye parial mash sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 20 gal 6.84% 5.43
    697 0
      Second Runnings Oud Bruin Oud Bruin 5 gal 7.7% 10.97
    668 0
      Citra/Enigma Milkshake Micro IPA American IPA 3.7 gal 2.92% 35.12
    655 0
      Big Funkin Monster - Partial Mash Oud Bruin 15 gal 11% 18.9
    645 0
      Big Funkin Monster - Partial Mash 2 Oud Bruin 15 gal 10.43% 18.75
    637 0
      First Runnings Russian Imperial Stout Imperial Stout 4.6 gal 10.01% 44.38
    636 0
      Cheat harder please NEIPA v1 American IPA 3.3 gal 8.7% 74.98
    630 0
      Peach unsouring blend beer Fruit Beer 2.3 gal 5.9% 27.61
    553 0
      Adamcon '18 Saison Saison 4.5 gal 6.52% 21.16
    542 0
      Dark left over grain sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 15 gal 5.65% 3.8
    537 0
      Abbey Rye Wheat Sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 12.5 gal 8.56% 7.45
    532 0
      Jon Wills Saison '18 Saison 6 gal 4.44% 43.61
    517 0
      Hasty hefe Weissbier 5 gal 5.15% 18.18
    490 0
      Left over grains flanders red Flanders Red Ale 14 gal 5.84% 0.46
    416 0
      Simple American Wheat American Wheat Beer 15 gal 5.06% 32.25
    410 0
      Hop Juice on Trois Dank Street American IPA 4 gal 7.43% 59.31
    394 0
      Saaz strong wheat golden sour Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer 10 gal 8.78% 3.52
    368 0
      2020 google competition No Profile Selected 10 gal 5.49% 25.01
    217 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type