Arijany - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 07/12/15
    Location: Charlotte NC
    My Brewing:

    I started brewing on May 2015, after taste several beers from: Americas, Europe, Asia, middle west, africa, Russia, Australia and a lot of crafted in Usa. I chose my favorites are Germans (including Czech ) and Belgians.
    All grain it's my kind of brew choice (since the beginning ) Bohemian and Abbey are my favorites. (Weizenbock, trippel, hefeweizens and quadruple).
    Finally a got the equipment to try Alles and Lagers at any season; actually is brew 3 gallons batches every weekend ato test my recipes and share them with my neighbor and my local suppliers.
    I use beersmith 2.0 and brew friends as software for my brew days. Also I am a big fan of Basic Brewing, brewing network, beersmith, fermentation nation, and every craft beer beer radio podcast.
    I am looking to meet some experienced home brewers to learn new ways to improve my skills and try new recipes. By the way I would like to learn how to do decoction properly and try a barley wine.

    My Beers:

    1 hefeweizen (fail 90%) only color and carbonation were ok (bottle)

    2 weizenbock (fail 10%) low to no carbonation, head retention less than 1 min (keg)

    3 oktoberfest (fail 5%) low carbonation (leak on keg during conditioning 2psi) just flat.

    4 dunkel weizenbock (pending) (keg 3gls bottle 2gls)

    5 weizenbock (pending ) (keg 3gls bottle 2gls) (fail 0% ABV 9 great flavor after 1 year)

    6 Kölsh (pending) (fail 20% color to dark, too sweet, great carbonation

    7 Arrogant Bastard (fail (5% color)

    8 Imperial dry stout bourbon (fail 10% low to not carbonation)

    9 Barley Wine (fail 0% "my best beer for now")

    10 Double IPA (Fail 0% lagunitas Maximus clone)

    11 Belgium white (fail 0% stronger version of blue moon) 8 ABV

    12 Czech pilsner (fail 0%, lagered for 5 months dry hoped in keg)

    13 American Amber (different clones like celebration, lagunitas, stone ruination , Sam Adams, etc)

    14 Trippel 14 ABV


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