I started off brewing in 2014 with two different groups. The first group I joined since there were several friends that where brewing there, the other group I started by rounding up a small group of friends. Every brew we have made with the second group have been designed by me. Since I don't have much practical experience it has been a bit of "trial and error" kind of brewing and it has, to my surprise, gone quite well. A couple of mistakes have been made during the process so I have learnt a great deal of things, but mostly it has gone very well and our beers have been really tasty!
Rocky Island Weiss-Ass - Weissbier
Rocky Island Seal of APAroval - APA
Rocky Island Jingle Beer - Seasonal Ale
Rocky Island Archipellago IPA - American IPA
Rocky Island Hikers Pils - German Pilsener
KiltBröl - Scottish strong ale
GhetToBrew v2.0 - IPA
AmarilloBröl - Pilsner
BlackBröl - Irish dry stout