BombasticBeers - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

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    Join Date: 10/20/12
    Location: Abita Springs, LA
    My Brewing:

    Why Main Grain?
    This crazy adventure started in 1997. Just like most new Home Brewers, Ron the Chief Bottle Washer wanted to make his own beer. There was a home brew store just down the street from his office and he went in one day to see how hard it was. After talking to the owner and reading The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing, he and his brother in-law made thier first batch of beer – an extract IPA. Six other brews followed in less than three months and he was hooked!

    After living in various different parts of the country, Ron and his wife Stephanie settled in Portland, Oregon. Many hours were spent hanging out with fellow home brewers and commercial brewers. Ron always wanted to get in to the beer industry, but the market was flooded on the West Coast.

    The family relocated back to New Orleans in 2010. After looking for a small replacement part and not being able to find it anywhere – both locally and on the web, Ron and Stephanie decided to take fate in to their own hands and open up a home brew store. Main Grain opened it’s retail doors in November 2011.

    Main Grain is a family owned and operated small business. We are hands on and almost always at the store. If we are not at the store, then we are at an event trying to spread the word about home brewing. Our main focus is fresh, quality ingredients. All of our inventory rotates very quickly. Grains are kept in air tight bins and not crushed until you order them. Malt Extract is fresh. Hops are vacuum sealed in metal bags. Yeast comes weekly. Just like with food, your beer is only as good or bad as your ingredients. If you have stale grains, it will show in the finished product. FRESH IS BEST!

    At the retail store we have a 12 tap kegerator which is always filled. Eleven taps rotate with the beers that have been demonstrated on Saturday’s and the 12th tap is open for our customers to share their creations. So if you have brewed an extra special batch and would like to share it among friends and fellow brewers call Ron to reserve the 12th tap.

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