I started with a kit (a dismal failure), but have since moved onto extract, partial and now all-grain mash brewing. I typically shoot for ~4 gallons of all-grain generated wort in the kettle, and depending on the style and target OG, will shoot for either a 3.5-4 gal all-grain batch (depending on boil length), or add adjuncts (e.g., DME during mash out, LME at flame out, or other adjuncts during the boil) for a 5-5.5 gal batch. I've been using decoctions for mash out lately, and experimenting with fruit additions, iterative fermentations on the same yeast cake, and now mixed fermentations. What a hobby!
Have been brewing fruit-flavour enhanced European and American beers, my first lager (sort of), and and am continuing on trying my hand at classic styles or interesting clone recipes (while adding my own twists). At the moment, just have fun and thoroughly enjoying what my labor have produced!