ColinChurchward - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

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    Join Date: 04/04/20
    Location: South East England
    My Brewing:

    DIY homebrewer based in England. Most of my brewing equipment is homemade. I brew mainly British Ales, some newer American styles and a few German beers.

    I use classic English as well as trying out new English hops. I grow First Gold, Cascade, Cobbs (Goldings) and Bramling Cross hops at my allotment. I also use American and NZ/Australian hops.

    I have my own yeast collection and experiment use Kveik yeast.

    My Beers:

    English styles: milds, bitters, IPAs, pale ales, brown ales, stouts and porters.
    American IPA styles and APA.
    German Helles and Kolsch-style.

    Public: 39
    Brew Sessions
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    19 Brewing Contributions for "2025"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
    beer recipe photo Kolsch - David Heath Kölsch 22 L 4.85% 24.47
    2198 1
    brewer logo Harlequin SMaSH 10L British Golden Ale 10 L 4.7% 24.94
    1670 1
    beer recipe photo Modern Best Bitter Best Bitter 22 L 4% 26.97
    990 1
    brewer logo New English IPA II English IPA 20 L 5.13% 46.49
    907 1
    brewer logo British Hop Pale Ale British Golden Ale 20 L 4.63% 27.28
    881 1
    brewer logo Dark Phoenix Dark Mild 23 L 3.13% 19.14
    827 1
    brewer logo The Haka Specialty IPA: Black IPA 20 L 6.54% 51.01
    816 1
    brewer logo Suffolk Ruby Ale British Brown Ale 21 L 5.5% 31.37
    811 1
    beer recipe photo Pumpkin Beer Fruit and Spice Beer 10 L 4.71% 24.03
    772 1
    beer recipe photo Ernest SMASH 10L Dry British Golden Ale 10 L 5.2% 29.41
    734 2
    brewer logo Flyer SMaSH (10L) British Golden Ale 10 L 4.7% 23.89
    649 1
    brewer logo ESB Strong Bitter 20 L 5.51% 41.56
    612 1
    beer recipe photo Morse Best Bitter 21 L 4.47% 38.76
    602 2
    brewer logo What's the F#£! is a Thiol? American Pale Ale 20 L 5.79% 31.84
    600 1
    beer recipe photo Archy Armstrong British Golden Ale 23 L 4.1% 41.09
    578 1
    brewer logo Smooth Stout Oatmeal Stout 20 L 4.96% 32.83
    561 1
    beer recipe photo Blackcurrent Sour Ale Specialty Fruit Beer 19 L 4.3% 12.88
    509 2
    beer recipe photo London Porter English Porter 20 L 5.23% 27.07
    496 1
    brewer logo ESB3 (snapshot) Strong Bitter 20 L 6.18% 39.86
    486 1
    brewer logo Simple SMASH Session British Golden Ale 23 L 3.76% 20.03
    446 0
    beer recipe photo ESB3 Strong Bitter 20 L 6.3% 39.74
    433 1
    beer recipe photo Fear of the Dark Dark Mild 20 L 3.06% 19.42
    408 1
    brewer logo The Bottle Imp - Smooth Choc Russian Imperial Stout 20 L 8.1% 44.74
    408 1
    beer recipe photo Middle Mild Dark Mild 20 L 3.24% 23.37
    407 2
    beer recipe photo Standard Stout Dry Stout 20 L 4.44% 30.11
    383 1
    brewer logo Casual Fail American Pale Ale 20 L 4.62% 27.97
    368 1
    beer recipe photo Straight From The Bine British Golden Ale 20 L 4.53% 27.82
    360 1
    beer recipe photo Chestnut brown Strong Bitter 22 L 4.93% 32.9
    352 1
    beer recipe photo STB (Standard Table Bitter) Ordinary Bitter 22 L 3.46% 29.23
    352 1
    beer recipe photo Cascade Table Beer British Golden Ale 23 L 3.83% 30.55
    350 1
    beer recipe photo Smooth Coffee Chocolate Stout English Porter 20 L 6.23% 28.59
    349 1
    beer recipe photo New English IPA I English IPA 20 L 5.34% 53.97
    342 1
    brewer logo Black Dolly - Black Sheep Best Bitter Clone Best Bitter 20 L 4.26% 30.51
    330 0
    beer recipe photo GAS NEIPA Specialty IPA: New England IPA 20 L 6.69% 46.75
    330 1
    beer recipe photo Black Malt Strong Bitter British Strong Ale 20 L 5.99% 38.48
    328 1
    brewer logo The Lost Lupulus British Golden Ale 20 L 4.38% 36.67
    309 1
    beer recipe photo NEIPA - Amarillo Specialty IPA: New England IPA 19 L 6.28% 43.87
    267 1
    brewer logo Raspberry Sour Ale Specialty Fruit Beer 19 L 4.57% 12.4
    124 1
    brewer logo Siren - Broken Dreams Foreign Extra Stout 20 L 6.99% 30.88
    27 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type
    Brew Photos