zigguratmonk - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile


    Join Date: 03/25/20
    Public: 33
    Brew Sessions
    Ready To Drink
    All Gone

    5 Brewing Contributions for "2024"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
      kveik 1 - wheat Weissbier 5.5 gal 6.56% 15.8
    495 0
      Amber kviek v1 American Amber Ale 5.5 gal 6.86% 68.87
    478 0
      scotch ale v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.82% 16.93
    426 0
      Kviek IPA v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.14% 87.96
    415 0
      Rhubarb saison v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 4.53% 23.18
    404 1
      Kolsch August 21 Kölsch 5.5 gal 5.51% 31.79
    391 0
      stay at home brown v1 British Brown Ale 5.5 gal 4.77% 22.49
    371 1
      Triticale IPA No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.33% 0
    342 0
      Dark IPA No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.48% 0
    330 0
      Crisp ale No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.28% 46.04
    319 0
      Grape Brown Saision No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.59% 25.17
    311 0
      Biere de gard in spring Bière de Garde 5.5 gal 6.34% 21.83
    296 1
      Triticale Kviek Single Malt No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.16% 48.48
    278 0
      Brown with Grapes Fruit Beer 3.5 gal 7.57% 41.33
    278 0
      Hoppy Pale Single Hop V1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.53% 69.99
    274 0
      Saison v2 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.38% 23.87
    247 1
      Ale v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.1% 92.12
    239 0
      Wheat v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 4.45% 24.01
    234 0
      CDA - Take 1 Specialty IPA: Black IPA 5.5 gal 8.17% 74.04
    230 0
      Obsidian Idaho Saison Saison 6 gal 3.78% 54.94
    224 0
      Herbal Black Beer No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 6.54% 34.05
    217 1
      Kolsch v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 4.85% 12.58
    216 1
      Triticale IPA - in progress No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.74% 70.59
    216 0
      Braggot No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 11.49% 25.3
    189 0
      Smoky california one Specialty Smoked Beer 5.5 gal 7.19% 59.9
    185 0
      Wheat ale No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.32% 31.07
    175 0
      Thai Basil Wheat 1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.24% 36.18
    157 0
      Lemon wheat v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.73% 36.45
    145 0
      Malty lime ale Scottish Heavy 5.5 gal 8.95% 18.16
    117 0
      Dubbel ish Belgian Dubbel 5.5 gal 6.97% 22.1
    113 0
      Hibiscus wheat Witbier 5.5 gal 6.19% 18.35
    90 1
      Brown Dark Mild 5.5 gal 5.53% 22.54
    76 0
      oatmeal pale - northern brewer - v1 No Profile Selected 5.5 gal 5.12% 51.58
    52 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type