Having moved from the Seattle area to Germany, there are a couple varieties of beer which simply aren't available. Nothing against German beer, but I miss stouts, porters, and IPAs. So it's time to make my own!
Brewed with Chabad of WWU (Bellingham WA) under the "Bad Jew Brew" (Chosen to kick your tuches!) logo: Red Hefe - hefeweizen with roasted barley, sort of a hefe/irish red mix. Shiksa Strawberry Blonde Ale (blonde ale with strawberries). Mana Mocha Porter (coffee porter).
More recent brews:
Heimweh-IPA: Heimweh = Homesickness, this is an Imperial IPA, first brewed all-grain in my tiny kitchen with the most basic of equipment. In other words a headache, but it tasted amazing! Opened the eyes of many of my non-US Amerikaner friends.
S.A.D Stout: Pretty basic chocolaty stout. First self-created partial mash brew. Missing a little in the middle, could be more full bodied, but still enjoyable. Dark and heavy without being too harsh.
Makin-Redheads: (Honey Ginger Irish Red Ale) All in the name. Had some problems with the years culture at the beginning - managed to save it, but too strong of a yeast flavor so left the remainder to age longer. Looking forward to tying this again soon...
Title | Style | Brew Day | Phase | Type |