I've done several kits over the past few years that were hit and miss. I didn't have great temperature control to start with , so was pure luck. I then went with a water bath and Aquarium heater but sunlight and air temp affected some brews. Since moving house and acquiring a garage, I decided to finally order an STC-100 and find a cheap/free fridge to construct the prefect solution for temperature control! As I was going to that length, I decided to also invest in some equipment for Extract brewing. I bought a 12L Stock Pot and made myself an immersion cooler out of 10mm Copper pipe. I've just bought a bottling wand and will use one of my pressure barrels to rack to before bottling with the wand. I did my first Extract brew on 2 July 2017 and it's currently in the brew fridge and has been in primary for 10 days. I dry hopped 3 days ago (evening of day 7). I have just notched the temp up from 19.5 to 22 for the diacetyl rest for 4 days and then will remove the hops and cold crash (2-3C) for another 4 days before racking and bottling.