The Green Man - Brewer Profile | Brewer's Friend
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Brewer's Profile

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    The Green Man

    Join Date: 07/07/17
    Location: South Coast, UK
    My Brewing:

    I started brewing again after a brief stint with breeing kit beers in my University days. In 2017 I jumped straight into BIAB brewing using a pasta pot, instead of the usual bag. My set up was simple and small, 5-6 litres. I am British, so am naturally drawn to brewing ales.
    I pushed my capacity to 9 litres using two mash vessels/ brew pots. Did all this in the kitchen.
    I changed up to brewing with Klarstein mash tun, which I also boil in. I now do upto 20l batches and use one lare fermentation vessel. I am in the process of converting a fridge into a fermentation chamber. This will give me much greater control over fermentation temperatures and we all know how important this is in making beer.
    Feel free to contact me with any questions about brewing on an extremely small scale. I'm no expert, but I'll do my best.

    My Beers:

    Pale ales, IPAs, Red ales, ESBs and Belgian blondes.
    In 2020 I added Saisons and wheat beers to my list. Will be dabbling more in these in 2021 as I had great results this year.

    Public: 47
    Brew Sessions
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    0 Brewing Contributions for "2025"

    Includes Recipes, Brew Sessions, Inventory, Brew Logs and Tank Logs

    Shared Recipes
      Title Style Size ABV IBU Color Views Brewed
    brewer logo Oat NEIPA Specialty IPA: New England IPA 15 L 6.28% 38.07
    1867 0
    brewer logo Satsuma Oat Stout II Oatmeal Stout 18 L 5.82% 33.91
    1582 0
    brewer logo Griffin Ruby Ale Northern English Brown 15 L 5.24% 30.05
    1332 0
    brewer logo Richardson's Folly Strong Bitter 9 L 4.78% 34.89
    1255 0
    brewer logo Strong Belgian Golden Belgian Blond Ale 6.2 L 8.51% 24.18
    1231 0
    brewer logo Kirishima Red II Irish Red Ale 9 L 4.7% 24.14
    1165 0
    brewer logo Olde London Export IPA English IPA 8 L 7.15% 104.4
    1065 0
    brewer logo Saigo Red Ale Irish Red Ale 9 L 4.48% 23.73
    1017 0
    brewer logo St.Patrick's Bane Specialty IPA: Black IPA 9 L 7.11% 67.85
    1011 0
    brewer logo Chiran Summer Ale British Golden Ale 9 L 4.92% 21.87
    972 0
    brewer logo Old Bean Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout 5 L 12.16% 63.46
    959 0
    beer recipe photo Revelation PA American Pale Ale 9 L 5.76% 38.62
    916 0
    brewer logo Freedom Session NEIPA Specialty IPA: New England IPA 23 L 4.44% 43.5
    861 0
    brewer logo Dorset Brown Ale British Brown Ale 13 L 5.87% 35.23
    793 0
    brewer logo Satsuei IPA English IPA 9 L 5.23% 45.06
    783 0
    brewer logo Toffee-bomb dunkelweizen Weizenbock Dunkles Weissbier 20 L 6.71% 25.47
    768 0
    brewer logo Sakurajima Ruby Ale English Porter 8 L 4.85% 30.47
    751 0
    brewer logo Tagami Best Bitter Strong Bitter 9 L 4.66% 36.79
    721 0
    brewer logo Summer Gold British Golden Ale 9 L 4.17% 21.66
    711 0
    brewer logo Revelation PA (snapshot) American Pale Ale 10 L 5.62% 35.11
    693 1
    brewer logo MoMo Summer Ale British Golden Ale 7 L 4.83% 53.4
    675 0
    brewer logo Samphire Belgian PA Belgian Pale Ale 22 L 5.06% 26.02
    674 0
    brewer logo Summer Gold British Golden Ale 20 L 4.61% 44.72
    633 0
    brewer logo Kagoshima Best Bitter Best Bitter 9 L 4.75% 23.38
    628 0
    brewer logo Choconut Oatmeal Stout Oatmeal Stout 20 L 5.91% 34.75
    623 0
    beer recipe photo LEESB Strong Bitter 5 L 5.59% 40.02
    620 0
    brewer logo Dorset Oat NEIPA Specialty IPA: New England IPA 23 L 4.82% 30.26
    610 0
    brewer logo Christmas Dunkelweizen Dunkelweizen 23 L 5.74% 17.52
    598 0
    brewer logo Dorset Extra Special Bitter Strong Bitter 15 L 5.41% 32.77
    575 0
    brewer logo American IPA 1 American IPA 5 L 6.12% 53.79
    564 0
    brewer logo Tanegashima B Blonde Belgian Pale Ale 5 L 4.89% 23.47
    553 0
    brewer logo Not Quite Ordinary Bitter Ordinary Bitter 20 L 3.64% 30.97
    549 0
    brewer logo Slightly Better than Best Bitter Best Bitter 20 L 4.2% 34.21
    547 0
    brewer logo First SB Strong Bitter 15 L 5% 33.64
    543 0
    beer recipe photo Chocoffee Oatmeal Stout Oatmeal Stout 20 L 5.38% 32.81
    526 0
    brewer logo Samphire Golden Summer Ale British Golden Ale 21 L 4.09% 21.74
    508 0
    beer recipe photo Saison to be cheerful Saison 18 L 5.37% 29.48
    506 0
    brewer logo Oat Saison Saison 9 L 6.9% 30.59
    484 0
    brewer logo Three Lions Amber Ale American Amber Ale 23 L 5.43% 41.86
    458 0
    brewer logo Lodmoor Belgian Blonde Belgian Blond Ale 20 L 6.07% 23.41
    401 0
    brewer logo Lodmoor Browngoblin ale British Brown Ale 20 L 4.55% 35.8
    397 0
    brewer logo Dubbel trubel Belgian Dubbel 20 L 6.29% 21.87
    332 0
    brewer logo Samphire Wit Witbier 20 L 5.2% 15.79
    311 0
    brewer logo Farmhouse Fusion Saison 18 L 5.56% 24.22
    298 0
    brewer logo Dorset Oatmeal Stout Oatmeal Stout 23 L 5.34% 26.22
    285 0
    brewer logo Samphire Pale Ale American Pale Ale 18 L 5.09% 35.81
    272 0
    beer recipe photo Breakout Ale American Amber Ale 15 L 6.04% 32.53
    247 0
    Brew Sessions
    Title Style Brew Day Phase Type