Wild yeast?


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Jan 27, 2019
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After brewing and no chill, I poured the wort onto the trub of my previous batch.
So far all good
I poured he last bit of wort with debris and all into a glass bowl, thinking I will let it settle and take a SG reading of the clear bit on the top.
It got clear, just about 2 cm clear stuff on the trub.
But then it started fermenting....

I assume some wild yeast
Thing is, it smells pretty good.
Bit bready, slight little bit of sourness.
Now, should/could I use this to make another beer or anything else, or better to just throw it out?

I do make sourdough bread on a regular base. Could it be related?
Having no experience at all with this kind of thing, if that were to happen to me, I would throw it out.

But, since it's your time and beer on the line, I'd say definitely make a beer with it! :D
Seriously, it would be cool to have your very own "house" yeast, though it might take a few beers before biology does its thing and the yeast evolves into something beer-useful.
It smells beery...
I'm just a bit scaredabout possible contamination of my equipment.
Esp as it is difficult to replace
I'd be more concerned about getting sick from it. The whole wild yeast thing gives me pause.
I'd be more concerned about getting sick from it. The whole wild yeast thing gives me pause.
It smelled good...
Thats generally what I trust.
I've thrown it, but it is in the back of my mind for another day
