Whisk(e)y Cocktails


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Jun 27, 2019
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I love beer, of course. But I also love a great, well thought out cocktail. Lately, my go-tos have been whiskey based.

Old Fashioned - possibly the greatest drink ever
Manhattan - of course
Whiskey sour - perfect summer cocktail
Paper (air)Plane - a whiskey sour for the highfalutin
Sazerac - perfection in a glass
Mint Julep - I can’t get inspired more than once a year
Boulvardier - a whiskey Negroni, I can get on board with that
Rusty Nail - Hmm. I need to be in a bad mood to enjoy this drink. :D

Any other favorite whiskey cocktails?

If you insist on a particular BRAND or TYPE of whiskey, please explain why.
I just like my whisky as whisky :)
But I do enjoy an Irish coffee
My favorites lately have been:

whiskey sour
Ameretto sour

My go to bourbon is either buffalo trace or elijah craig. makers 46 is pretty damn good too.

Try a whiskey sour with rye, adds a nice spicy punch. my latest favorite is basil hadens malted rye.. really good
It doesn't get along with me very well. I can do rum once in a great while. My Mint Julep is a Mojito:)
A Sazerac is delicious if done correctly.
Wisconsin really loves its brandy. So around here you are more likely to get an Brandy Old Fashioned or a Brandy Manhattan unless you specify Whisky. I prefer whisky and Whisky Sour is one of my top favorites. Drinking straight though, it's got to be whisky. From a very limited sample size my favorite is a Rye Whisky from Oregon Spirits.

Fun Fact (probably): Originally "Whisky" was from Scotland and "Whiskey" was from Ireland. Irish Whiskey came later and added an 'e' to avoid patent infringement issues.
If I’m having a mixed drink, which is rare it’s a boring old whiskey and Diet Coke or rum and Diet Coke. For whiskey I don’t really have a preference but Makers is usually what I buy. For rum I like Sailor Jerry
If I’m having a mixed drink, which is rare it’s a boring old whiskey and Diet Coke or rum and Diet Coke. For whiskey I don’t really have a preference but Makers is usually what I buy. For rum I like Sailor Jerry
Check out plantation rum. you won't buy another kind
I like the Cayman Reef Double Black.
I always buy Maker's Mark

Hot Toddy: great for winter or when you're sick
Bourbon, club soda, splash of cranberry juice. I'm sure it has a name but I don't know it
Dry apple cider on the rocks, add a shot of Bourbon. Tastes even better if you can find a dry hopped cider
I used to do something close to that at Christmas in past years, but hot and with a dark rum: Apple cider, rum, cinnamon and nuke it for 45 seconds or a minute in a gigantic Mickey coffee mug.
