Whirlpool Hop addition


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Oct 2, 2023
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First, let me say I'm a malty Porter and Stout brewer and not big on hop forward brews, but I have friends that like lighter beer so I've made a few lagers and I kinda liked them. Now I'm designing a recipe for a simple smooth Helles but wanted to add just a whisper kiss of Saaz or Halertau aroma in the nose, so I thought I'd try a 15 minute whirlpool which I haven't done. I'll get all my bitter IBUs from early Magnum and maybe a touch of Saaz for flavor at 15-20 min. My question is how much (pellets) would you add to get just a hint of aroma. I've search whirlpooling, but everywhere I go it seems to be very serious IPA enthusiasts who swear by a truckload of hop potpourri per gallon for 40 days and 40 nights. I'm thinking 1/4 oz. for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, but maybe I need more for that short a period. Thanks--Happy brewing.
I would be tempted to just use the Saaz, I would use them in a dry hop as you only want the whiff so to speak. A dry hop of about 12g to 15g would probably do, put them in at cold crash.
I would be tempted to just use the Saaz, I would use them in a dry hop as you only want the whiff so to speak. A dry hop of about 12g to 15g would probably do, put them in at cold crash.
Another great idea. I hadn't considered a dry hop as my system is not set up for it, short of opening the top, but cold crash may be the perfect place. Thanks.
It depends on how much hop aroma you want.

I whirlpool all my hoppy beers, but when I brew German beers I never whirlpool or dry hop. It doesn’t seem to work well, I find the hop aroma/flavor in lagers are best is a late boil addition of hops. 1 ounce of Saaz at 5-10 minute would add just a touch of aroma. It’s an easy thing to do, just toss in an ounce and it’s done. I’ve done the same thing myself.
It depends on how much hop aroma you want.

I whirlpool all my hoppy beers, but when I brew German beers I never whirlpool or dry hop. It doesn’t seem to work well, I find the hop aroma/flavor in lagers are best is a late boil addition of hops. 1 ounce of Saaz at 5-10 minute would add just a touch of aroma. It’s an easy thing to do, just toss in an ounce and it’s done. I’ve done the same thing myself.
Thanks. This is what I was wondering. A whole ounce though, huh? Is that so some of the essential oils survive the short boil. I was guessing a utilization of maybe only 5-10% in just the 5 minutes, if that. Do you hop bag them and remove them during to cool or leave them in until the transfer to fermenter? I usually bag my hops and pull them before I begin the chill. Maybe I should be leaving them in. My kettle has a screen.
Thanks. This is what I was wondering. A whole ounce though, huh? Is that so some of the essential oils survive the short boil. I was guessing a utilization of maybe only 5-10% in just the 5 minutes, if that. Do you hop bag them and remove them during to cool or leave them in until the transfer to fermenter? I usually bag my hops and pull them before I begin the chill. Maybe I should be leaving them in. My kettle has a screen.
I go off the default settings in Brewers Friend with late boil additions. I whirlpool at 170F and use 3% as a default.

Start with an ounce and go from there, even more than a kiss of aroma, it makes a really nice beer.
