What did I do wrong?

Budget Brewer

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Apr 28, 2020
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Hey guys!

Did my first BIAB about a month ago and tried a Hefeweizen recipe. When I tried tasting it, it didn't taste like a Hefe at all.
I mean no banana or clove smell and taste, it was flat and tasted a bit sour. Even the color is lighter than what I was hoping
for. These are my recipe:

1.2 Gallon Batch

Wheat Malt: 550g
Munich Malt: 200g
Pilsner: 140g
Hallertauer MF: 18g 60min / 7g 15min
Safbrew WB06

What could I have done wrong?
"tasted a bit sour" sounds like it may have an infection
Could be sour or could just be the yeast.


I've always had issues when trying to brew a Hefe. They always seem to taste a little on the sour side to me without any banana or clove. Using 61% wheat is high, but not anything that should cause the flavors that you are talking about. Having said that...

Here is the part where I play 20 questions:

  1. What temp did you start and end your fermentation at?
  2. Also, what was your expected and actual OG and FG?
  3. Did you do a starter?
  4. How long did it ferment?
  5. Did you use any clarifying agents?
  6. What size was the mill set to when you crushed the grains?
  7. What was your PH when you mashed in? Some say this contributes tannin extract, but I don't really know the whole sciency thing behind it, but Brulosophy does.
:) One question always leads to many more... keep the chin up... we all go through the same 'growing pains'... but the payoff is worth it.
8. what was your water source? did you boil the water prior to the mash, or how did you get rid of the chlorine (or chloramines)...if it is from the tap?
9. bottled I assume. did you use a priming sugar calculator online? did you use priming sugar, and how did you sanitize it? (boil)
10. (along with quest. 5 above) same with fining agent or clarifying agent.... did you use some and how did you prepare it?
11. as stated above also, sour means possible infection. post boil instruments all need careful sanitation.. anything that comes in contact with the wort.
Thanks guys. I'll make sure to follow all your suggestions on my next Hefe attempt. Regarding sanitation, I don't think infection is possible since I am very thorough with sanitizing all my equipment and everything else that gets in contact with my wort and this is my 4th home brew. My first 3 were extract brews and they all came out pretty good. :)
Thanks guys. I'll make sure to follow all your suggestions on my next Hefe attempt. Regarding sanitation, I don't think infection is possible since I am very thorough with sanitizing all my equipment and everything else that gets in contact with my wort and this is my 4th home brew. My first 3 were extract brews and they all came out pretty good. :)
I recommend getting 2 packs of WLP300 and pitching that instead of WB06... I haven't had a ton of luck with that yeast. I have been getting tart sourdough bread tastes in my hefes but I think it is attributed to the dark wheat malt I have been using as at this point it is the only consistent thing in my recipe. (I know this info may not help you but I just thought I'd share.)

I love WLP300! WB06 - not so much. I feel like WB06 has given me more clove and pear flavors than banana.
Hey guys!

Did my first BIAB about a month ago and tried a Hefeweizen recipe. When I tried tasting it, it didn't taste like a Hefe at all.
I mean no banana or clove smell and taste, it was flat and tasted a bit sour. Even the color is lighter than what I was hoping
for. These are my recipe:

1.2 Gallon Batch

Wheat Malt: 550g
Munich Malt: 200g
Pilsner: 140g
Hallertauer MF: 18g 60min / 7g 15min
Safbrew WB06

What could I have done wrong?

If it were mine, I'd change the grains a bit. For example:
550g pilsen
200 wheat
140 munich
I'd also go with a liquid hefe yeast. I've never found a dry yeast that does a hefe justice. Others may have a better experience. Like @Blackmuse mentioned above. wlp300 is a very good one. Wyeast makes a very nice hefe yeast also.
As far as sour? Could be an infection, but it could also be the high wheat bill and your yeast selection.
Brewing a good hefe is really tough imo. I have done some good ones, but I have yet to get one down pat.
I've only tried one Hefe and it was "ok" but the guys who drink Hefe's were unimpressed. I don't like banana so I enjoyed it.

You picked a tricky brew to do early on, so don't worry to much if you don't nail it first try.
