Water requirements wrong?!

Brewer #401037

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Nov 30, 2023
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I am trying to put together a recipe and the amounts of water are completely off.

I am using 7.8kg grain for All In One system and want to get "out" to fermentor 22 liters with 1 hour boil time to add hops. Ok, I understand I will lose some water on grains and hops, some will be evaporated and "Strike water volume at mash thickness..." but over the thumb numbers from boil size on are nuts.

Preboil volume 34 lites? With only evaporation and hops overhead, this would take hours to get it to 22 liters "output".
Post boil volume of 29 liters??? This was the final stage, and I dont have any pipe leak or something to account it in, should be imho 22 liters.

Quick Water calculator:

Water Liters
Strike water volume at mash thickness of 3.7 L/kg 25.2
Mash volume with grains 29.8
Grain absorption losses -7.2
Remaining sparge water volume 17.5
Mash Lauter Tun losses -1
Pre boil volume 34.6
Volume increase from sugar/extract (late additions) 0.6
Boil off losses -5.7
Hops absorption losses (first wort, boil, aroma) -0.6
Post boil Volume 29
Kettle losses -5
Misc. losses -2
Going into fermentor 22
Total: 42.8
Please share your recipe whenever you can, if you'd like to keep it private just let me know the name and I'll look at it in detail.

From your screenshot it does line up, but perhaps you have an ingredient addition type or some parts of your equipment profile is off.

22L finished volume
+ 2L misc losses = 24L(this is usually for stuff like kettle trunk, hop gunk)
+5L kettle losses = 29L post boil ( this is usually for undrainable volume below the kettle diptube and seems quite high for an all in one)

Hop absorption even out with the 0.6L from your sugar/fermentables addition in use=Boil, this might be an error depending on your recipe.
Then you have the boil off of 5.7L which brings you to the 34.6L.

Off the top the two things that seem like the most likely culprits are the 7L of kettle and misc losses, and the 0.6L of sugar/Fermentable volume added from boil additions.
Ah I see, the kettle losses and misc losses are completely off... hops loses are fine, 112g used. Sorry, still learning how to use the software.

Is there any profile for Brewmonk or similar system in existence?

The recipe is "A proto". Private one.
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Hey there!
It looks like the kettle and misc losses are definitely throwing off your numbers, as you’ve identified. For an All-In-One system like the Brewmonk, those losses tend to be much lower than what your calculator suggests—5 liters for kettle losses does seem high. You might want to adjust those to more realistic values for your system.
To dial it in:
  1. Kettle Losses: Check how much wort is left undrained in your system (below the diptube) after a brew. For many systems like the Brewmonk, this is typically less than 1 liter.
  2. Misc Losses: Same thing, but for what gets left in pipes, hop trub, etc. A couple of liters is more typical.
  3. Boil Off Rate: If you haven't already, measure your actual boil-off rate. It can be higher for vigorous boils or large kettles, but 5.7 liters seems a bit high for a 1-hour boil in an All-In-One. You might want to re-check that based on past brews.
Lastly, I'm not sure if there's a specific Brewmonk profile already in the software you’re using, but you can create one based on your system’s known values.
Once you tweak those losses, it should get your pre-boil and post-boil volumes closer to where they need to be! Hope this helps!
