Water profiles have become wrong

Torben Vedel

New Member
Premium Member
Feb 15, 2020
Reaction score
Even on old recipes the water profiles are now way off from target on Ca, SO4, Na, and Cl and maybe more. NaCl seems to be completely ignored.
The salt additions looks like they are stored OK, but the profile comparison is way off. Don’t know if the calculator can be trusted at the moment?
Thanks for reporting- I've put in a support ticket and we'll get right on it. I'll keep you posted.
We've identified the issue for Salt being ignore, actually had it fixed already on mobile but didn't realize the same issue was affecting Web too. Sorry about that!

I don't see any other chemistry issues though, do you have specifics on what you're running into?
I only noticed the "Sea salt" and "Table Salt" items never adjusted the Na+ or Cl- values, no matter how many grams I specified.
Seems like the problem is still there, probably something still cached in my browser.
I don't see any other chemistry issues though, do you have specifics on what you're running into?

So I made a new recipe, https://www.brewersfriend.com/homebrew/recipe/view/1491022/amber-ale which is a clean slate so to speak, using distilled water. Anyways, Calcium Chloride (dihydrate) is working as expected. Gypsum also works as expected. But Sea salt, Table Salt, and Canning Salt make
absolutely no difference to the Overall Water Report.

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Thanks, we have a fix pending. It should go out this morning
