water calculator overwrites volumes


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Oct 24, 2017
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No matter what I change the volumes to it is always overwritten. Is there any way to change this? This happens even when the calculator is not connected to a recipe.
Hey Gozer, can you provide some more information? I'm not sure what you're referring to if it's still happening when there's no recipe.
Ok just checked and my example water calculator not attached to a recipe did not overwrite the values. Was pretty sure they were overwritten the last time I was in there.

However, anything else will update to a seemingly random number (I'm sure it is somehow based on my equipment, but they're wrong and not meaningful volumes I would ever use). This is in the "Water Volumes" section of the water calculator page labeled as "Total water volume" and "mash water." I change these values either to 50L (my full mash volume) or 44L (my finishing volume). But when I go back into the recipe it is something like 57.7L.
Gotcha, I logged into your account and saw what you were talking about in the marzen snapshot.

This is happening because your equipment profile isn't accurate, and you aren't using the mash guidelines section of the recipe builder. If you correct either or both of those steps, it shouldn't happen going forward.
