You seem to brew a lot of NEIPAs, what's a good water profile?
I've seen a lot of research and done a lot of my own tests.
I used to do zero sodium and magnesium additions at a profile of something like, Ca: 125, Mg: 0, Na: 0, Cl: 185, SO4: 70. Surprisingly that profile turns out both juicy and dry. No sodium to balance it out.
A Scott Janish article seems to point at Ca: 125, Mg: 5, Na: 10, Cl: 200, SO4: 75
I like that profile, but I prefer a 4:1 ratio...
Ca: 115, Mg: 5, Na: 10, Cl: 200, SO4: 50 ... with that profile, I typically don't need any acid additions either, the gypsum and CaCl is enough to drive the mash pH down to about 5.35.
I've also tried Ca: 125, Mg: 5, Na: 10, Cl: 150, SO4: 150, and hated it. It certainly could have been the hop combination I used, but I hated that beer. It was way too bitter and astringent, maybe the sulfate took over and accentuated all the wrong things.
getting off track, but whatever... In the future, I'd like to do two experimental profiles.
First one is based on some Brulosophy experiment, but I want to bump up the sodium to see how soft and balanced out I can the flavors. Something like this: Ca: 100, Mg: 0, Na: 75, Cl: 200, SO4: 75 ... could be interesting?
Second one, I want to do a NEIPA with zero sulfate additions. Ca: 50, Mg: 0, Na: 10, Cl: 100, SO4: 0 ... if the ratio of chloride to sulfate is indeed what makes these beers soft and sweet, then this profile might make a pillow. No idea.