Tropical Storm

You all in the track of the tropical storm stay safe!

Well, that sucked.
I'm going to start clean up tomorrow. No real damage for me or most of my neighborhood, unless people's houses are on the ground or not much above. Ours is a stilt, so it's just mostly a bit of a mess from the storm surge. It collapsed my kayak rack, blew some stuff around, and left a lot of debris all over but over all we did ok. It wasn't as bad as Hurricane Idalia last year, that's for sure. True to our weirdness, we had some really funny stuff that made national news.

My (dumb) neighbor's truck:

I just have some things to fix (that collapsed kayak rack) and move things around that were lifted and secured for the storm. The winds were not bad, only in the 60s mph range, but the storm surge is always the issue for us.


The rose bush is still alive!
