Super Specific Timing

Brewer #404298

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Established Member
Oct 15, 2023
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Brewed the same recipe now for a 3rd time and I got to thinking. The recipe says to dry hop at 5 days. Should I have done that exactly at the same number of hours after brewing each time or am I over thinking this?

Do professional brewers do everything exactly at the same timing each batch? How about you? Does this hobbie require super time management or is give or take 12 hours on some items like dry hopping, racking, etc never going to matter in the taste of the finished product?

Just curious.
Brewed the same recipe now for a 3rd time and I got to thinking. The recipe says to dry hop at 5 days. Should I have done that exactly at the same number of hours after brewing each time or am I over thinking this?

Do professional brewers do everything exactly at the same timing each batch? How about you? Does this hobbie require super time management or is give or take 12 hours on some items like dry hopping, racking, etc never going to matter in the taste of the finished product?

Just curious.
I don't think it requires you to do it at any exact time. I always wait to fermentation is done, then dry hop for 2-3 days. Then cold crash and package
I don't think it requires you to do it at any exact time. I always wait to fermentation is done, then dry hop for 2-3 days. Then cold crash and package
Good to know. I didn't think about waiting to dry hop until fermentation is over but I suppose at 5 days I'm pretty close. I did take a reading and it was close to done.

So if you made the same recipe twice and one time you dry hopped for 2 days in the next for 3 days do you think you would taste a difference?
Good to know. I didn't think about waiting to dry hop until fermentation is over but I suppose at 5 days I'm pretty close. I did take a reading and it was close to done.

So if you made the same recipe twice and one time you dry hopped for 2 days in the next for 3 days do you think you would taste a difference?
Depends on the hops used and how much. But, for the sake of argument, if you used like 3oz of cascade. You definately, might taste a difference, lol.

I think where you would start seeing a difference in flavor would be past 7 days. Less aroma.
Large breweries (think budweiser) use computer controls that try to keep every batch exactly the same. It might matter for Anheuser-Busch but not at our scale.
Home brewers are on the "Art" side of the equation....Industrial Brewers are on the "Science" side......RDWHAHB!
