Sugar for a Saison

Sandy Feet

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Jul 4, 2022
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I've done some research, talked to people, and I'm pretty damn sure table sugar isn't going to make much of a difference over the 0/1 SRM candi syrup. I used a little candi syrup in my last French Saison for a little something, something. This time, I'm thinking of going lemon zest, maybe a little of the lemon from the backyard that was frozen, and a small amount of regular sugar.
Going for 76.6% Pils, 15.1 White Wheat, 4.3 Vienna, 2.2 Sugar, and less than 1% Lemon, East Kent and Saaz @ about 27.2 IBU, WLP 590. Looking at 1.050 or less OG. Even if I get down to 1.002, still barely under 6%. Do y'all have any comments or other things I should think about?
I think it looks just fine. At 2.2%, there is no way you’ll know what kind of sugar you used. I think the point of any sugar in a Saison, since it essentially ferments out completely, is to just make sure the beer finishes as dry as possible. Not really a taste thing.

And IMO, lemon and Saison are a perfect match. I have been quartering whole lemons and adding them to my Saison mashes for a few years now. Got another planned in about a month. I think Saisons are such a great style to brew (and drink!) as long as you have a good handle on your yeast,

Keep us posted!
I think you were the one that gave me the idea for lemon in it. I wanted to keep og low with that yeast. If it works, I may attempt a Grisette at some point in the future. It might take some time to get the yeast.
You mashed the lemon, right?
You mashed the lemon, right?
Yep. I cut the lemons into quarters and toss them in with the grains. They get discarded after the mash. Given my well water, the citric acid also helps with my mash pH, but may be an issue for others.

I like the idea of lemon zest. Assuming this will go into the boil?? I might need to double down for my next Saison.
I don't think table sugar is an issue.
I see a lot of Dutch and Belgium homebrewers using table sugar whilr candi sugar is easily available there.

I like the lemons...
I figure it will work with limes as well and I will have lots of them next season ;)
generally dextrose will ferment more cleanly then sucrose, Sucrose can change the flavor more. At those precents, it probably wouldnt make a difference.
