Strawberry Cheesecake Sour Ale incredients

Brewer #437371

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Sep 9, 2024
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I'm Norman and I'm from Germany. On a recent trip to the US I had a Starwberry Cheesecake sour beer and it was amazing. Therefore, I was looking for a recipe. I found it here but I'm not sure about the ingredients since I need to look for similiar replacements here in Germany. I'm also rather a beginner, maybe I don't know all the tricks yet. Therefore, I'm sorry if my questions may appear basic.

My most questions are about these incedients. Do you have links to the actual (American) products that I can try to find something comparable in Germany?

Gypsum => It's not actual "Gypsum" from Home Depot, right? Do you have link to the right one?
Calcium Chloride (dihydrate)
Yeast Nutrient
Cheesecake Powder
Graham Crackers
Strawberry Flavoring
Vanilla beans

Thanks, I appriciate your help.

Don't know about the rest, but yes. Gypsum is actually the same stuff from wallboard, lol. I wouldn't use the homedepot stuff though, it has other ingredients.

Food grade gypsum is super cheap and accentuates bitter.
Whirlfloc & yeast nutrients should be available at homebrew supply stores.
Strawberry and vanilla are from the grocery. Gypsum and Calcium chloride (food grade) from Amazon.

Graham crackers might be a stretch. I also wonder about cheesecake powder, but we could probably figure something out for that. I know they sell cream cheese in Germany.

Near which large city in Germany are you?
