Strange taste after carbonating


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Jun 14, 2023
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3 days ago i keg my lager,
2 days ago i give a taste and was great.
Today i tried again to taste a glass but have a strange taste which 2 days ago wasn't there
The taste can't explain it, I'm not 100% what I'm tasting, it's like sulfate but not 100 % like that.
I'm not sure if it's infected, is not sour at all, is not very intense beer is still drinkable
Can this caused by co2?
I had clean and sanitize keg very good
I'm carbonating at 9 Celsius my refrigerator can't go more freezing because of summer heat!
Is there anything that looks funny in the lines where they might not have been cleaned correctly or stored with moisture in them?
If you tasted the beer post carbonation, and it was fine, and you don't have any leaks in the seal on the keg, it would probably need to be something with the lines or the tap.
You have got to clean and sanitize your fermenter, equipment, lines, keg... everything. I kept Star San in my keg until I was ready to use it. I flushed out my Picnic tap line with cleaner and Star San after the last keg kicked and inspected them before I used the keg. I let the transfer equipment sit in Star San for a few days before I syphoned the beer into the keg.
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Is there anything that looks funny in the lines where they might not have been cleaned correctly or stored with moisture in them?
If you tasted the beer post carbonation, and it was fine, and you don't have any leaks in the seal on the keg, it would probably need to be something with the lines or the tap.
You have got to clean and sanitize your fermenter, equipment, lines, keg... everything. I kept Star San in my keg until I was ready to use it. I flushed out my Picnic tap line with cleaner and Star San after the last keg kicked and inspected them before I used the keg. I let the transfer equipment sit in Star San for a few days before I syphoned the beer into the keg.
You mean something like infection?
Co2 line was clean, I open the co2 before connecting it to make sure no O2 on to it
Beer line was completely clean, is just 15-20cm i use small line
I don't think is infection, its more like of flavour, if is infection i believe next days will be worse,
If need age will be better
If its some reaction of something and cause off flavour i think will be same
Not sure for nothing actually
Some lagers get a bit of a sulphur smell. If goes away after a while.
I have only got a sulphur smell with 34/70 before kegging it once, and it was very slight, but then again, I do a D-rest and run it a 55 prior to that, pitch the shit out of it, and let it sit in the keg for a week before I take any samples.
After the explanation of taking a sample, and everything is fine to tasting like shit, I guess I got confused LOL. But, yes, not doing a proper D-rest or running too cold will do that as well as being too impatient.
thanks for your replies.
I thing today is litle bit better tasting. Probably is sulphur wich start to fade, first time i taste this, my last lager wasn't taste like this, after kegging i give a small taste sample every day to chek the taste evolution, this time make me surprised because 3 days ago was not present this sulphur taste i used the 34/70 obviously different yeast giving diffrent resaults.
i'm just waiting for now
I think almost already faded,
Nice to learn new stuff didn't know lagering making so big taste changes
I think another reason for that is my lagering temperature, is to high anyway winter is coming
I think almost already faded,
Nice to learn new stuff didn't know lagering making so big taste changes
I think another reason for that is my lagering temperature, is to high anyway winter is coming
This is generally why you "lager" the lager style. Those flavors fade over time, it also gives the beer time to clarify
I think have remained a little butter taste, I did diacetyl rest, actually at day 3 until Day fermentation ended.
Is this butter taste going to fade also?
I think have remained a little butter taste, I did diacetyl rest, actually at day 3 until Day fermentation ended.
Is this butter taste going to fade also?
No, not likely. Usually you will wait to do a diacytl rest until fermentation is mostly finished, then raise temp for a few days before crashing.
I was advised to raise temperature at high krausen day 3, so i did, was at 18-19 Celsius for 8 days! Before crash and keg
Three or four days of warmer temperatures should have allowed the yeast to consume the diacetyl. But, depending on the yeast, maybe that wasn't long enough or warm enough. Don't know.
8 days should have been plenty with 34/70, but my math at low krausen is only an 11 day fermentation. 10 at high krausen. Why didn't you let it do its thing for two weeks? Mine start quickly because I pitch big.
8 days should have been plenty with 34/70, but my math at low krausen is only an 11 day fermentation. 10 at high krausen. Why didn't you let it do its thing for two weeks? Mine start quickly because I pitch big.
truth is i was hurry up, Don't know i thing 12 days is ok, all my last batch fermentation 12 days was ok
Butter is diacetyl. That is a fermentation off flavor. The advice above is good.
Sulphur can be a fermentation flavor. But it can come from many other places in the process.
Do you know that your CO2 source is for food/beverage? There are different grades of CO2. There are off flavors that can come from low grade CO2.

Take this with a grain of salt:

I have very clean/fast fermentations using Apex Munich Lager at higher temps(17-19C). I am able to push a lager out from grain to glass in 10 days. Obviously if i had the time, i would give the beer more time. I also dont do a diacetyl rest since im basically in that temp range the entire time. I have had successful fermentations at higher temps, but the yeast gets a little fruity which was not what i wanted, but my glycol was down.

I have a lot more temp control then most on here and generally more gear. I over pitch by a large margin, push o2, add yeast nutrient etc.
Butter is diacetyl. That is a fermentation off flavor. The advice above is good.
Sulphur can be a fermentation flavor. But it can come from many other places in the process.
Do you know that your CO2 source is for food/beverage? There are different grades of CO2. There are off flavors that can come from low grade CO2.

Take this with a grain of salt:

I have very clean/fast fermentations using Apex Munich Lager at higher temps(17-19C). I am able to push a lager out from grain to glass in 10 days. Obviously if i had the time, i would give the beer more time. I also dont do a diacetyl rest since im basically in that temp range the entire time. I have had successful fermentations at higher temps, but the yeast gets a little fruity which was not what i wanted, but my glycol was down.

I have a lot more temp control then most on here and generally more gear. I over pitch by a large margin, push o2, add yeast nutrient etc.
Do you fermenting with pressure?
I can understand As you describe it
Also i read today pressure fermentation can help alot at sulfur taste
Do you fermenting with pressure?
I can understand As you describe it
Also i read today pressure fermentation can help alot at sulfur taste
i dont have a spunding valve at this point(i want one badly but they are $300 for my size), but the apex yeast ferments really cleanly at those temps. I dont know what it would be comparable to from other brands, but it is very clean and does not produce much ester or Sulphur.

honestly the overpitching really helps the lager yeast out. i might try adding more yeast then you think you need.

my lager i brewed yesturday dropped from 13.3 to 12.7p in the first 12 hours which is really good for a lager. It was at 16.5c when i came in this morning, i knocked it out at around 18.5 and cooled it to a set point of 17.5. pushed O2 @ 1LPM while knocking out.
