show me your last years brews

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Nov 20, 2012
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now I brew 12 gallon batches and I cut back to just the beer I like rather than experimenting with everything thats popular, so this is my list, whats yours

Amber Bock
Light Beer
Ozarks Pale Ale
Honey Red
Bleach Blonde
Bleach Blonde
Bleach Blonde
Session Pale Ale
Ozarks Cryo Pale Ale
Pale Ale
Ozarks Red Rover
Dry Irish Stout
Fresh Squeezed Pale Ale
Ozarks Winter Bock
Nutty Professor Ale
Penguin IIPA
Here's my list bar two at top mango Lasi and blondie. My worst and a dumper was the throw together ale the name says it all that one got an infection I just couldn't stomach no more. My other dud was the berrie saison hence to low comp scores. But my best beers have to be the hop test beer with galaxy and Equinox double decocted that one went super quick. Mango Lasi is a darling of a beer. And my Marzen beer was a goer too. The rest of them were dam tasty beverages a couple I'm looking at repeating this coming year.
Started brewing in May 2017, this is what I got, so far all very drinkable :)

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Like the namez like the ned Kelly beer you know about him? Famous bushranger from down Victoria got a bad wrap from the local police hard life hard man his legacy lives on!
My kids decided to name my brewery "Wicked Brewing" so I'm naming all the beers after evil or wicked people, places or things. The Ned Kelly was a spinoff of your S&W Summer PA. I tweeked the second batch (bottling today) and kept the name but added "Thomas Lonigan" (one of the officers he killed) as version 2.0.
My kids decided to name my brewery "Wicked Brewing" so I'm naming all the beers after evil or wicked people, places or things. The Ned Kelly was a spinoff of your S&W Summer PA. I tweeked the second batch (bottling today) and kept the name but added "Thomas Lonigan" (one of the officers he killed) as version 2.0.
Yes i thought that was ironic. U think it was the only officer he killed from what i know of it lonigan was no saint and i recon ned kelly and him wernt on any speeking terms after what lonigan put neds family through.

All searchable under my profile. Recently I have been building ales towards the session side, simplifying yeast options, and controlling IBU's. For my water profile, the browns, porters and stouts have been very pleasing....the pale beers need some work.
Yes i thought that was ironic. U think it was the only officer he killed from what i know of it lonigan was no saint and i recon ned kelly and him wernt on any speeking terms after what lonigan put neds family through.
Yes that's why he is on the Evil
